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Birthday party(生日PARTY):其中16,18,21岁最为重要.

Bachelor/bachelorette party(单身汉/单身女郎PARTY):为准新郎和准新娘准备的,一般参加的都是单身朋友,会请Stripper来表演,有的时候表演发展为 别的节目.

Housewarming Party:从字面上解释就是"把屋子弄热",一般是搬了新家以后开,给新家增加人气,SEX AND THE CITY里Samantha曾经开过

Baby shower(婴儿洗礼):虽然是叫"给宝宝洗澡"其实没有BABY也没有水.是准妈妈的朋友们为她开的Party.(phoebe&rachel都开过).

Farewell Party(欢送会):在办公室里,占用上班时间开,一般是买点礼物点些Pizza就完了.

SuperBowl Party(超级杯PARTY):超级杯总决赛的时候开,一般不管是不是球迷都会参加,因为一年里最精彩的新广告会在比赛中间播出.

Oscar Party:和SUPERBOWL相似,大家在一起看Oscar颁奖典礼,评论明星衣服或者预测得主,是比较安静的Party.

Holiday Party(节日会):包括Fouth Of July,Christmas,New year"s eve,Mardi Gras(狂欢节)

Theme Party(主题PARTY):很受年轻人欢迎,定下主题然后根据主题风格购买衣服,礼物,等等.

Pimps,hos and superheroes(皮条客,.和大英雄):年轻人常见的PARTY,皮条客的装扮是礼帽,风衣,墨镜和拐杖,大英雄则一般是漫画人物(比如.,蝙蝠侠,超人等等,还有猫女等女英雄),.则和一般的打扮没有区别,也有男人装扮成.的模样.


St.Patrick"S day:原本是爱尔兰宗教节日,到了美国成了大家狂欢喝酒的PARTY.代表饮品是爱尔兰黑啤酒,但一般没有人喝.

Surprise Party(惊喜PARTY):FRIENDS里经常开,大多是为某人生日,搬家,升迁等举行的.PARTY主角一般事先不知情,被骗到现场后大家从藏身之处跳出来大喊:"SURPRISE!"


1 God works. 上帝的安排。

2 Not so bad. 不错。

3 No way! 不可能!

4 Don't flatter me. 过奖了。

5 Hope so. 希望如此。

6 Go down to business. 言归正传。

7 I'm not going. 我不去了。

8 Does it serve your purpose?对你有用吗?

9 I don't care. 我不在乎。

10 None of my business. 不关我事。

11 It doesn't work. 不管用。

12 Your are welcome. 你太客气了。

13 It is a long story. 一言难尽。

14 Between us. 你知,我知。

15 Sure thing! 當然!

16 Talk truly. 有话直说。

17 I'm going to go. 我這就去。

18 Never mind. 不要緊。

19 Why are you so sure?怎么这样肯定?

20 Is that so?是这样吗?

21 Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲道理。

22 When are you leaving?你什么时候走?

23 You don't say so. 未必吧,不至于这样吧。

24 Don't get me wrong. 别误会我。

25 You bet! 一定,当然!

26 It's up to you. 由你决定。

27 The line is engaged. 占线。

28 My hands are full right now. 我现在很忙。

29 Can you dig it?你搞明白了吗?

30 I'm afraid I can't. 我恐怕不能。

31 How big of you! 你真棒!

32 Poor thing! 真可怜!

33 How about eating out?外面吃饭怎样?

34 Don't over do it. 别太过分了。

35 You want a bet?你想打赌吗?

36 What if I go for you?我替你去怎么样?

37 Who wants?谁稀罕?

38 Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。

39 Cheap skate! 小气鬼!

40 Come seat here. 来这边坐。

41 Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请。

42 You don't say! 真想不到!

43 How come…怎么回事,怎么搞的。

44 Don't mention it. 没关系,别客气。

45 It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起!

46 thousand times no! 绝对办不到!

47 Who knows! 天晓得!

48 Have a good of it.玩的很高兴。

49 Don't let me down. 别让我失望。

50 It is urgent. 有急事。


1 God works. 上帝的安排。

2 Not so bad. 不错。

3 No way! 不可能!

4 Don't flatter me. 过奖了。

5 Hope so. 希望如此。

6 Go down to business. 言归正传。

7 I'm not going. 我不去了。

8 Does it serve your purpose?对你有用吗?

9 I don't care. 我不在乎。

10 None of my business. 不关我事。

11 It doesn't work. 不管用。

12 Your are welcome. 你太客气了。

13 It is a long story. 一言难尽。

14 Between us. 你知,我知。

15 Sure thing! 當然!

16 Talk truly. 有话直说。

17 I'm going to go. 我這就去。

18 Never mind. 不要緊。

19 Why are you so sure?怎么这样肯定?

20 Is that so?是这样吗?

21 Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲道理。

22 When are you leaving?你什么时候走?

23 You don't say so. 未必吧,不至于这样吧。

24 Don't get me wrong. 别误会我。

25 You bet! 一定,当然!

26 It's up to you. 由你决定。

27 The line is engaged. 占线。

28 My hands are full right now. 我现在很忙。

29 Can you dig it?你搞明白了吗?

30 I'm afraid I can't. 我恐怕不能。

31 How big of you! 你真棒!

32 Poor thing! 真可怜!

33 How about eating out?外面吃饭怎样?

34 Don't over do it. 别太过分了。

35 You want a bet?你想打赌吗?

36 What if I go for you?我替你去怎么样?

37 Who wants?谁稀罕?

38 Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。

39 Cheap skate! 小气鬼!

40 Come seat here. 来这边坐。

41 Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请。

42 You don't say! 真想不到!

43 How come…怎么回事,怎么搞的。

44 Don't mention it. 没关系,别客气。

45 It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起!

46 thousand times no! 绝对办不到!

47 Who knows! 天晓得!

48 Have a good of it.玩的很高兴。

49 Don't let me down. 别让我失望。

50 It is urgent. 有急事。


★ 餐饮2020七夕活动方案范本



